Ottawa Valley Weavers’ and Spinners’ Guild

About the guild

Weaving on the guild’s 100″ loom

The Ottawa Valley Weavers’ and Spinners’ Guild was created in 1949 by a handful of Ottawa area weavers. Originally called the Ottawa Valley Weaver’s Guild, the group eventually expanded to include spinners and today has over 200 members.

The objectives of the Guild are to promote interest and education in weaving, spinning and related fibre arts and to encourage a high standard of craftsmanship and design.

We offer a wide variety of workshops in spinning, weaving, felting, dyeing and basketry. See our Workshops page for full details, or check out the current schedule “at a glance”.

Members may take advantage of our workshops, equipment rentals, a fully equipped weaving and spinning studio, nine monthly newsletters and an extensive library that includes hundreds of books, magazines and videos which cover topics such as spinning, weaving, knitting, dyeing, design and beyond.

Monthly meetings featuring guest speakers, demonstrations, show and tell, and sales of equipment and supplies. We have weekly networking meetings during which our members congregate to work, socialize and share expertise.

Since 1980, we have had an annual Sale and Exhibition at the Glebe Community Centre in Ottawa. In early November, the Centre is transformed into a textile gallery and boutique where we sell wearable woven, knitted and felted pieces, household goods, hand spun yarns, supplies for spinners and weavers, and textile art. The Sale and Exhibition helps to promote and showcase the work of the guild’s many talented members.

The Guild welcomes all levels of interest in traditional and contemporary weaving, spinning and other textile arts and crafts. No experience is necessary for our introductory workshops, just a keen interest and a desire to learn. Come to a meeting and see what we’re all about!


Meetings are held on the first Monday of the month at 7:15 pm at Heartwood House, 404 McArthur Ave, Ottawa and on Zoom.

Ann McElroy teaching a nuno felting scarf class