Monthly meeting
Program: Moe Maloughney will speak about 20 years of Heartwood House. In person AND on Zoom. Note that the meetings will start 15 minutes earlier during the winter
Program: Moe Maloughney will speak about 20 years of Heartwood House. In person AND on Zoom. Note that the meetings will start 15 minutes earlier during the winter
In person AND on Zoom. Program: “Live and Learn” a members panel on lessons learned from mistakes in spinning, weaving, felting and basketry.
In person AND on Zoom. Program: Liz Spear ~ Fine Art Weaver & Handwoven Clothing Designer via Zoom from North Carolina
In person AND on Zoom. Program: Pauline Maracle – Mohawk basket and bead weaver on how her culture and way of life informs her art.
In person AND on Zoom. Program: Alison James on spinning wheels
Program: Annual General Meeting. In person AND on Zoom.
The Ottawa Valley Weavers’ and Spinners’ Guild (OVWSG) is celebrating its 75th Anniversary! We might not look a day over 30 — but here we are, marking 75 years of creativity, community and learning. Please join us in celebrating: Date: Saturday, June 22, … Continue reading
Extended show and tell and Fibre Challenge reveal
Tapestry artist Lia Karras
In person and on Zoom Program: Flannery Surette will speak about Peruvian textiles