2503 Intro to Inkle Loom – Set-up and Weave Narrow Bands

Instructor: Jan Scott
Level: Beginner (B)
Cost: $60+HST= $67.80 Members / $70+HST= $79.10 Non-Member
Class size: 6
Venue: Studio

Inkle weavingNB: Registration for members opens Thursday Oct, 31 for non-members Saturday Nov 2, 2024

Description: The Inkle loom can weave narrow bands of fabric up to 3 inches wide. It is one of the simplest types of loom. Do not let others lead you down the path of harness envy; the limited number of harnesses will inspire greater creativity. The placement of colour, texture or even the introduction of embellishments will enable you to develop many patterns with a very simple relaxing loom. You will focus on how to set up and weave on an Inkle loom. How to make loop heddles for any Inkle loom. We will also learn weaving techniques to start, stop and make a slit in an Inkle band. We will make a scissors pocket necklace, which is functional and looks good too! We will briefly discuss how to design patterns using the order of colours threaded. The notes provided will allow you to explore Inkle weaving further on your own.

Prerequisite: No previous experience is needed

Students should bring: All materials and equipment are supplied – IMPORTANT NOTE: no garlic or shellfish as the instructor is very allergic

Materials fee: $15 includes all materials required for the workshop

Registration Form

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