2507 Introduction to Tapestry

This event finished on 02 March 2025


Instructor: Liane Thiry-Smith
Level: Beginner (B)
Cost: $280+HST= $271.20 Members / $280+HST= $316.40 Non-Member
Class size: 6
Venue: Classroom

Wool Tapestries on small frame loomsNB: Registration for members opens Thursday Oct, 31 for non-members Saturday Nov 2, 2024.

Description: How does tapestry differ from other types of weaving? In this four day workshop learn this with the basic skills of tapestry. These include warping, design, weave structure, yarn management, colour blending and finishing. Day 1 you will weave a small colour study on a simple frame. Days 2 & 3 you will start to weave a larger tapestry of your own design on a larger frame loom. After a 2 week gap to work on your tapestry, on day 4 will cover the techniques needed to complete your tapestry. (You will have an option of purchasing it for $40 at the end of class.)

Prerequisite: None

Students should bring: A 9×12 or larger sketchbook, two pairs of scissors (one small for yarn and a larger one for paper), pencil with eraser and 12″ ruler. On day 2 you will also need colour pencils or crayons/pastels for coloured drawing.  If you already have a tapestry beater bring it as well, but do NOT purchase one for the workshop as variety of beaters will be available to use during class.

Materials fee: $50 includes all needed materials and the use of all needed equipment.

Registration Form

This workshop is over