
Guild library

Our guild library

The guild has an extensive library  covering a wide variety of topics of interest to our members. We have a substantial collection of books, magazines, manuscripts, monographs, and weaver’s sample records pertaining to weaving, spinning, dyeing, felting, basketry and related topics. The guild subscribes to all the major weaving and spinning magazines. More recently we have added CD’s, PDF files, WIF’s, JPG’s and DVD’s to our library. Many items within our inventory are out of print, rare or irreplaceable. We have both historical information and practical material. If we don’t have the information we will try to suggest who might.

Library catalogue

Suggest a book or other media for our library.

Who can use the Library?

The library is available to all members in good standing. Non members may access the library but will not be allowed to take out materials.

When is the library open?



The library will be open by 5 pm on the day of the meeting but the librarians are often there much earlier in the day. Please check the guild Facebook page or contact the librarians. For access to the library between meetings please contact the librarians at The Librarians would like to attend the meeting too so please be courteous and bring back your books, DVD’s, and magazines before the meeting starts.

How long may I have the material out?

Material may be borrowed from one meeting to the next. If you cannot attend the next meeting contact the librarians who will ether renew your item or arrange to have you drop it off if it has been requested by another member.

Since the Guild does not meet in July and August, materials borrowed in June are due in September. A deposit cheque of $10 per item is required for the summer period. This deposit cheque will be held and returned in September when the items are returned.

How many items may I borrow?

Members in good standing are able to take out up to four items per month. Special arrangements will be made for members who are taking the OHS master spinners or master weavers course and require more books for homework assignments. Workshop teachers may have books pulled for their classes as required.

What are the late fees per item per month?

The late fee is $1.50 per item per month. The fees go towards the acquisition of new books for the library.




The guild library has come a long way from its start. Our early library was carried to meetings in boxes, then by request books were brought in. By the 1980’s we had a closet to keep our books in at Devonshire public school. It was small, dark and tended towards damp and flooding. Since then we have moved meeting spaces and each time the library was packed, unpacked and was usually in a closet. The closets did get bigger. But so did the library. By the time we arrived at heartwood house we had a very impressive library and eventually had moved out of the closet and into the main studio room. With the new location we acquired much needed cabinets to house the collection.


The library is particularly interested in acquiring sample books or binders from local weavers. They are an irreplaceable record of their weaving careers and an inspiration to other weavers. The librarians always love donations of weaving, spinning, dyeing and other fibre related books, DVD’s and magazines. Anything we already have or is not quite right for the collection can be sold to help raise money to acquire new items.

Email the librarians