
Join or renew online

Members in the Ottawa Valley Weavers’ and Spinners’ Guild enjoy a number of privileges, including equipment rental (looms, spinning wheels, etc), use of our studio, borrowing privileges from our extensive library, a yearly exhibition and sale, reduced fees for workshops, monthly newsletter and monthly programs.

Guild members at a meeting

Guild members at a meeting

Membership in the Guild costs $60 for a single membership and $90 for families.

Membership renewal dates:

  • For new members – the renewal date will be 1 year from when you joined. Specifically, the last day of that month.  For example, a new member who joins Jan. 4 or Jan 24, both would have a renewal date of Jan 31, of the following year.
  • For existing members – Your renewal date remains the same month (last day of the month), every year
  • Grace period: 30 days from the last day of your renewal month. After that, all guild privileges will be revoked until renewal payment is received.

Late payment: Renewal month remains the same. Only difference is that privileges get reinstated upon payment.

How to join

Join or renew online and pay using PayPal or your credit card.
Print out a membership form (PDF) and pay by cheque. You can mail it or bring to a meeting. Make your cheque payable to: Ottawa Valley Weavers’ and Spinners’ Guild (OVWSG is okay to use). Our mailing address is:

Heartwood House
404 McArthur Ave
Ottawa, ON
K1K 1G8
Attention: Membership


Guest speaker Tom Knisely

Guest speaker Tom Knisely

Meetings are held on the first Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at Heartwood House, 404 McArthur Ave, Ottawa. No meetings are held in July and August. In winter, in bad weather, check your email for an eblast about meeting cancellations and rescheduling or listen to local radio stations (CBC1 – All in A Day, from 4-6 pm, and CFRA) and check Facebook or Ravelry. If a meeting needs to be cancelled, we will try to reschedule for the following Monday and this will be noted in the message. If the first Monday is a statutory holiday, the meeting will occur on the second Monday.

New people are always welcome to attend our meetings.

Each meetings consists of a special program, a business meeting, show and tell, and a social break. The programs can pertain to weaving, spinning, and related fields, and are always interesting.


On every Monday evening from 7-9 pm in summer and 4-8 in winter (except Mondays when there is a meeting) the Guild holds an informal social get together in the Studio and on Zoom. This is a chance to meet informally, to chat, to share ideas, to ask questions and to learn from each other, or to try something new so you can take advantage of others around to assist you if needed. Bring your spinning wheel or whatever project you are working on and join the fun.

Facebook group

We have our own private Facebook group that is open to members and non members.

OVWSG also hosts a members only Discord server. If you are a member and have not yet received your invitation, please contact