To donate through PayPal or credit card fill in the form below. If you prefer to pay with a credit card, once you are on the PayPal site click on “Pay with Debit or Credit Card”. Then on the second screen put in your email again and click on “Continue to Payment”. That will take you to the screen where you can pay by credit card. Be sure and uncheck “Save info & create your PayPal” account and then you can pay using your credit card as a guest.
If you would prefer to pay by cheque, please complete and print this form and along with your cheque payable to OVWSG and mail it to:
Ottawa Valley Weavers’ and Spinners’ Guild
404 McArthur Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario K1K 1G8
You can also send your donation via e-transfer to Please use Donation in the message.
Note: The Ottawa Valley Weavers’ and Spinners’ Guild is not a registered charity and therefore donations are not tax deductible.