
Since 2003, the OVWSG has operated a Studio at Heartwood House, now at 404 McArthur Ave., Ottawa, where the OVWSG:

  • houses its library;
  • holds its workshops and courses;
  • houses its floor looms that any member may reserve to use in the Studio;
  • has space for members to use Guild equipment such as hand and drum carders, swifts, ball-winders, warping mills, etc.
  • hosts meetings and networking sessions;
  • rents weaving and spinning equipment to its members;
  • and houses its 100″ loom which members may use.

Weaving on the guild's 100" loom

Weaving on the guild’s 100″ loom

100″ Loom
The guild owns a 100″ wide loom. If you are planning on weaving large projects such as blankets, table cloths, rugs, etc., please contact the rental co-ordinator regarding reserving it for a specific time. If you don’t have a weaving partner, perhaps we can find one for you with similar projects in mind.

Access to the Studio

Any current member of the guild may access the Studio whenever they wish.

During Heartwood House Hours:

OVWSG members can enter the Studio:

  • by using the key in the lockbox on the door of the Studio in the east-west hallway. Contact the studio manager for the code:;
  • by showing their membership card to the Heartwood staff on the front desk, who will open the Studio for them.

Winter hours: Monday and Tuesday: 8 am to 7:00 pm, Wednesday and Thursday: 8 am to 7:30 pm Friday: 8am to 5pm

Heartwood House phone number: (613) 241-5937

Tuesday Weavers

The studio is open every Tuesday from 11 am to 5 pm when weavers who have reserved a loom meet to weave, exchange information and partake in a potluck lunch. Visitors are always welcome, be they Guild members or outsiders.

Friendship during networking night

Friendship during networking night

Outside Heartwood House Hours:

On weekends and evenings, students taking workshops and courses can access the Studio by using the Intercom at the double front doors of Heartwood House (at the east end of the building) to contact a member already in the Studio (eg; the instructor).  The person in the Studio – after confirming the identity of the person seeking entry – will buzz the member or student into Heartwood. The code will be posted at the Intercom.

Members may also enter by obtaining keys to Heartwood House and to the Studio from one of the key holders. The list of key holders is available to OVWSG members from the studio manager at

The Sudio